Poker With Dice Rules

aka Yahtzee (TM)

Poker dice is played according rules similar to that of card poker. In poker dice, the object is the attain a combination of dice that ranks higher than your opponents' combinations. You get three chances to roll the dice, and you may hold any number of dice when you roll.
Yahtzee (TM) is a trademarked version of poker dice sold by Hasbro. In Yahtzee, the object is to attain different combinations and earn points for each achievement. The player with the highest score wins.
Below we explain the rules for each game below and explain the probabilities of rolling certain combinations. You can also try your luck with the poker dice/Yahtzee game above.

Poker Dice Rules


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In traditional poker dice, each player has three opportunities to roll five dice. After the first roll, you may hold some dice and roll the remaining dice. After the second roll, you may hold more dice or release previously held dice before rolling for the last time. After the third roll, the dice are examined. There are eight possible outcomes shown in the table below. The right column shows the probability of attaining each outcome in a single throw of the dice.
RankCombination NameProbability
HighestFive of a Kind1/1296 = 0.0007716
2Four of a Kind25/1296 = 0.01929
3Full House25/648 = 0.03858
4Straight5/162 = 0.03086
5Three of a Kind25/162 = 0.1543
6Two Pairs25/108 = 0.2315
7One Pair25/54 = 0.463
LowestHigh Card (High Die)5/81 = 0.06173

Note that even though a straight is harder to roll than a full house, full house outranks straight. Also note that the probability of having nothing but a high card is quite low, only 6%.Rules

Yahtzee Rules and scoring

In Yahtzee, you score points for making some of the poker dice combinations above, plus other combinations not listed above. In a typical game, each player has 13 turns to make each combination, in any order. As in poker dice, players are allowed three rolls per turn. Here are the 13 scoreable combinations:
Onessum of the 1'sChancesum of the dice
Twossum of the 2'sThree of a Kindsum of the dice
Threessum of the 3'sFour of a Kindsum of the dice
Fourssum of the 4'sFull House25
Fivessum of the 5'sSmall Straight30
Sixessum of the 6'sLarge Straight40

  • Small Straight: A straight on four dice; 1234, 2345, or 3456. The probability of rolling this combo is 10/81 = 0.1235.
  • Large Straight: A straight on all five dice; 12345 or 23456.
  • Yahtzee: Five of a kind.
  • Chance: Simply the sum of the dice.
  • Bonus: When a player attains a subscore of at least 63 on the ones, twos,..., sixes, then the player gets an additional 35 points. In order to earn a score of at least 63 on the first six categories, one should roll at least three ones, three twos,..., three sixes.
Additionally, there is the chance of earning a Yahtzee Bonus. This is worth 100 points if the player makes more than one yahtzee in a game. If a player receives one or more Yahtzee bonuses, the player may require more than 13 turns to complete the game.

Poker Liar Dice Rules

© Had2Know 2010

Five Dice Game Rules



This is a poker dice game; five dice and one shaker are needed; there is no limit for the number of players.


Several hands must be played. Each player has a counter, after every hand there is a loser whose counter is incremented, and players are eliminated when their counters raise until a previously agreed number.

The eliminations continue until just one player (the winner) stays in the game.

So, to make all the eliminations as many hands as needed must be played. From now on, this document explains how to play each point.

How the game goes on

The dynamic of the game consits in comparing dice combinations related to poker.

Combination hierarchy

Before explainig the dynamic of the game it´s necessary to learn the hierarchy between the values of each die and the hierarchy between possible combinations using the values of the five dice.

This is the order of the values for dice, from highest to lowest: Ace, K, Q, J, red(eight), black(seven)

This is the dice combination hierarchy, from highest to lowest:


When the five dice have the same value. Between two repokers, the higher is the one with higher value of each die.

Example: ace repoker.


When four of the five dice have the same value. Between two pokers, the higher is the one with higher value of each of the four similar dice; if that value is the same, the difference between them is given by the value of the fifth die.

Example: K poker with Q.


This combination is made when three dice have the same value and the other two dice have also the same value between them.

Example: full of aces and blacks.

The full of K and Q has a lower value:


In this combination three dice have the same value. The hierarchy between the trios is given by the value of the dice making the trio; if similar, by the higher value of the other two dice, and finally by the fifth die.

Example: trio of J with ace and red.

The trio of J with ace and black has a lower value.

Double pair

In this case four of the five dice match making two pairs. The hierarchy between different two pairs combinations is given by the higher value of the two pairs, subsequently by the value lower pair and finally by the fifth die.

Example: two pairs of J and red with black.

Two pairs of J and black with an ace is a lower conbination:


When only two of the five dice have the same value. Between them, the hierarchy is given by comparing the value of the pair, and subsequently by the rest of the dice, starting with the higher of them.

Example: pair of aces with K, Q and J.

As you can see, the fifth die gives a lower value to the next combination:

The dynamic of the game

Before begining, the players raffle who is going to make the start.

Roll the dice

The dice may be rolled in two ways:

  • In the center of the table, where all the players can see the values of the dice
  • Inside the shaker; in this case, only the player who has the turn can see the value of the rolled dice

The player who has the turn can roll repeatly some of the dice inside or outside the shaker, but every dice can be rolled only once.

This is the golden rule: by each turn, every die can be rolled only once (if wanted); in the first turn of every hand the five dice must be rolled.

Pass the shaker

The player who has the shaker is the one who knows the whole combination (the others only can see the dice outside of the shaker); he has to pass the shaker to the player sitting on his right.

At the same time he has to tell the obtained combination; it can be true or false. Now it´s the turn for the player who receives the shaker.

Check the dice

The player that has received the turn must declare, before watching the dice inside the shaker, if he believes that the combination given by previous player is true or false (in this game it´s not considered false when the passed combination is higher than the telled combination):

If considered false

In this case the player have to lift the shaker so all the players can watch the combination to check if it was true.

  • If the statement made by the previous player was false, he gets one point (for trying to lie without success)
  • If the statement made by the previous player was true, the point is given to the player that was wrong expecting to find a lie

The player who follows the loser of the point will start the next hand.

If considered true

If the player believe that the combination passed by the previous player is true, will look at the dice secretly. Whatever it was true or false, now he must try to get an higher combination.

The attempt is doing by keeping still the dice that he wants, and rolling the rest of them. Anyway, whenever the shaker is going to be used the dice that aren´t going to be rolled will be leaved visible for all the players.

The dice placed outside of the shaker can also be rolled once, inside or outside the shaker.

Pass the turn

Finally, the player finishes the turn by passing the shaker to the next on the right, announcing the achieved combination; this combination can be true or false, bat always higher than the combination passed by previous player.

This dynamic continues, increasing the values of the new combinations, until one of the players doesn´t believe or the announced combination it´s impossible to improve (ace repoker).

How to play in

When playing the dice, every player must perform two actions: throw the dice (in full view of everyone or in secret), and pass them to the next player while saying the new combination to beat (it may not be the true combination).

In order to perform both tasks, every player´s area is divided in two zones.

The zone where the dice are thrown

Dice may be placed in two different places:

  • One shaker that may be in three different states: closed (dice not visible), half opened (only the player with the shaker may watch them), and opened (all the players see the dice).
  • The table where all the visible actions are made.

Dice are moved between the shaker and the table just clicking in the dice; the dice inside the shaker may be taken out by clicking on the arrow on top.

Dices are rolled by clicking on the turned arrow icon. After throwing, dice remain marked in the top left corner until the next player gets the option to throw them again.

The zone where the combination to be passed is shown

This is the nearest zone to the name and the icon of the player. There are five dice in a row whose values may be changed clicking them and that show the combination that the player states.

Pass the combination: when those dice show a better than the combination shown by the previous player (it may be or not be the same he has got with the rolled dice), the Ok button is activated; when clicking this button the next player receives the dice and the information of the new combination to improve.

Trhrow and pass: it is possible to pass a new combination without seeing it first. You should first mark a better combination before throwing the dice, and click on the corresponding button; dice are thrown and passed to the next player before having the option to watch them.

Due that it is an elimination game, the program deals in a different way with the lost connections and abandonments. If more than two players take part, the game is never automatically interrupted and it cannot be cancelled; the computer will keep always the control of the players who do not remain connected to the game.

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